ARM your Azure Infrastructure in 45 Minutes (ENG)

Tiago Costa

Microsoft Azure is an amazing platform and in a few minutes we can create an complex infrastructure, but if this is not done in a proper way, we end-up with a disorganized Azure Subscription. In 45 minutes, this session shows you how to generate ARM Templates for consistent and repeatable deployments and how you can automate the deployment of your Infrastructure. We will also touch in some more advanced techniques to push your ARM templates to the next level. You will be amazed for the amazing capabilities that we have in ARM templates.
During a demo-dependent session we are going to check how Azure DevOps can help us, using Azure Repos to control the versioning of ARM Templates and Azure Pipelines to deploy then. In just 45 minutes we are going to create a full ALM experience for your Azure Infrastructure.

Track 1

Azure DevOps Boards za organizaciju DevOps i Ops timova

Tarik Demirovic

Simple- Cilj prezentacije je pokazati kako se Azure DevOps boards moze iskoristiti za organizaciju timova koji rade po Scrum i Kanban i koja je veza izmedju njih. Konkretno, plan je predstaviti vlastito iskustvo u organizaciji dva tima: Dev koji radi po Scrum-i i BO (Business Ops – operations) koji radi po Kanban-u i bavi se operacijama i customer supportom. Kako smo customizirali Kanban board da odgovara nasem procesu, kako Ops tim ucestvuje u cjelokupnom razvoju, kako komuniciraju Dev i Ops timovi preko AzureDevOps Board-a… su neka od pitanja koja ce biti odgovorena na prezentaciji.

Track 2

Cyber-security incident reposne team in COVID-19 reality

Jasmin Azemović

Incident response (IR) is a structured methodology for handling security incidents, breaches, and cyber threats. The purpose is to effectively identify, minimize the damage, and reduce the cost of a cyber attack, while finding and fixing the cause to prevent future attacks.
Everything became much more complicated with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic of mass use of remote work.
Security challenges happen every day. The Incident Response Group represents your SWAT team that needs to step in when things go wrong, and they will.

Track 2

DATA PORTAL – Mistral’s Engine for Data Integration

Mersiha Ćeranić

Data Portal is an automated data analytics – reporting solution that will leverage and distribute data across the Mistral Company through interactive reports. Using Data Portal, users can create customized reports very quickly.

During the lecture, it will be presented how Mistral Company is working on following:
– Unite data sources: internal data (company stuff related data), recruitment data source, Google Forms at one place
– Analytics for everyone in Mistral Company
– Bring in Mistral Data-Driven Organization concept (final target)
– Architecture of Data Portal solution developed using Microsoft services (Azure SQL Database, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Azure Data Factory, Azure Function, Azure Logic App, .NET)

Whole solution is implemented using Azure services, described in the presentation “DATA PORTAL – Mistral’s Engine for Data Integration”.

Data Portal is a scalable solution, so it is possible to add new data sources / endpoints very easily. Through the demo, it will be shown how new data source/endpoint can be added in using Azure services: Logic App and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.

This is a perfect opportunity for demonstration of how Mistral Company utilizes data to draw conclusions regarding Company stuff (headcount by gender, age, offices, departments, employment status, retention rate, turnover, absenteeism portal, recruitment process), and in which way it is implemented.

Track 2

Database Design – najčešće greške programera

Milos Radivojevic

Dejtabejz dizajn je veoma bitna faza u razvoju softvera, kojoj se u poslednje vreme koje je obeleženo sintagmama Agile i Continuous Delivery posvećuje još manje pažnje nego ranije. Podsetićemo se zašto je db dizajn bitan i sa kojim posledicama možemo da računamo ako ga potcenimo. Inicijalne db dizajn greške najčešće ostaju u sistemu zauvek, a mnoge od njih nije teško izbeći ako se samo malo duže razmišlja prilikom dizajniranja tabela.

U ovoj sesiji predstavićemo tipične greške koje prave programeri prilikom dizajniranja baza i kreiranja tabela i kako te naizgled male greške kasnije dolaze na naplatu u osetljivijim i skupljim fazama projekta.

Biće reči i o trendovima koji sve učestalije i intenzivnije ističu važnost drugih kvaliteta za uspeh projekta pritom zanemarujući znanje i kako će se to obijati o glave u teškim i nesigurnim godinama koje dolaze.

Track 3

Deploy a PowerShell Function App to Azure in less than 10 minutes (ENG)

Barbara Forbes

With Azure PowerShell function apps general available, serverless automation Is a great option for all your Azure administration, event driven scripts and interaction with data in storage accounts or databases. In this session, we will focus on how you can deploy your own function app in a matter of minutes. We will take a look at the options that are available and get a good understanding through demo’s. After that, you can pick your favorite method and create your own right away.

Track 1

Event-driven data procesiranje sa KEDA frameworkom, Azure funkcijama i Kubernetesom

Ratomir Vukadin

Azure funkcije pružaju mogućnost izvršavanja u različitim okruženjima. Moguće je kompletan runtime instalirati na vlastitim mašinama. Azure funkcija se može upakovati u Docker image i deployati u bilo koji servis za upravljanje i pokretanje kontejnera. Sve navedeno predstavlja podlogu za kombinaciju Azure funkcija i jednog od najboljih sistema za orkestraciju kontejnera, Kubernetes! Postavlja se pitanje, kako izvršiti skaliranje podova u ovom slučaju. Microsoft je zajedno sa RedHat-om razvio KEDA framework za skaliranje podova u Kubernetes klusteru na bazi događaja. Cilj predavanja jeste prikazati kako razvijati i deployati Azure funkcije u Docker kontejner, te skalirati Azure funkcije u Azure Kubernetes klusteru pomoću KEDA frameworka. Uz povećan protok podataka, pratićemo stanje podova u klusteru, koji će se izvršavati na virtuelnim nodovima, ACI, Azure Container Instances. Blizu 10000 rezultata biće poslato na obradu i spašeno u Data storage, što ćemo vizuelno ispratiti sa PowerBI reportom. Predavanje može biti korisno kako za software i data developere, tako i za devopse. Ako želite pogledati, kako razvijati nezavisnu platformu od cloud providera uz jednostavnost Azure funkcija, deployati ih u AKS, te iskoristiti prednosti KEDA frameworka za skaliranje podova, onda ovo predavanje predstavlja odličan izbor za vas!

Track 3

How to publish (securely) your services using Azure Services

Predrag Jelesijević

Objavljivanje servisa na internetu uvek donosi mnogo razmišljanja o zaštiti, dostupnosti … šta je sve to sto možemo da uradimo da naš servis bude što dostupniji, brži i zaštićen. Dosta stvari možemo i sami da uradimo praćenjem neki standardnih pravila kada se kraira infrastruktura, ali često je daleko lakše i brže koristiti rešenja koja su nam već dostupna. Na predavanju ćemo proći na koje načine možemo koristiti Azure servise kada želimo da izložimo naše servise internet korisnicima.

Track 3

Ima li nade za nedostupnu Azure virtualku?

Aleksandar Nikolic

Nudi li Azure rešenje za virtuelne mašine koje nisu povezane na mrežu ili su postale nedostupne? Šta da radimo kada RDP, SSH i PowerShell remoting nisu više opcija? Pridružite nam se da kroz gomilu demoa vidite kako Custom Script Extension, Run Command, Serial Console, i još neki troubleshooting alati mogu spasiti vašu dragocenu virtualku.

Track 2

Implementation of the “Zero Trust” strategy in practice (ENG)

Sasha (Saša) Kranjac

We are aware of the fact that most individuals and companies have embraced cloud computing nowadays and all the benefits it provides as such. The number of cloud users, especially users of Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 is expanding every day. However, malicious users and criminal activists quickly realized potential advantages (or, eventually, disadvantages) of cloud technologies and are often few steps ahead of us. Today’s data is in the cloud, on the go, on mobile phones, laptops, tablets – it is no longer residing solely on premises, or within company boundaries, but also in a public data centre. In order to effectively protect and combat attacks and data theft, it is necessary to fundamentally change how we think and to change the approach to the concept of computer infrastructure security we had until now. In this lecture you will learn what the “Zero Trust” strategy is, which is why it is extremely important, and most importantly, we will show the implementation of the “Zero Trust” strategy in the Microsoft cloud in practice.

Track 1

Improve your Change Management and Adoption Program with Microsoft Adoption Resources (ENG)

Tracy van der Schyff

With so many dashboards and reports, it’s easier than ever to track your Microsoft 365 consumption and adoption, but how do you correct your methods and update your skills? In this session Tracy will share insights on:

· Using the Microsoft Productivity Score

· Other tools and resources you’ll find invaluable in your journey

· The Microsoft Service Adoption Specialist Certification

Many IT Professional job roles now require the knowledge to facilitate change management and adoption, this session is sure to get you started.

Benefits of Attending this Session:

  1. Change Management Tools and Resources
  2. Change Management Action Plans
  3. Guidance for Digital Transformation

Track 1

Kako podići dostupnost aplikacije u Azure?

Vladimir Stefanovic

Cloud je po svojoj definiciji visoko dostupan, ali šta ako unapred predefinisani SLA nije dovoljan? Kako se zaštititi od regionalnih problema?

Pridružite mi se na ovoj sesiji kako bismo na real-world primeru videli kako smo jednu medicare aplikaciju učinili otpornijom na infrastrukturne probleme.

Track 2

Kako radi Sessionize – iznutra

Domagoj Pavlesic

Sessionize je globalno poznat i korišten sustav za upravljanje sadržajem konferencija, uključujući i ovu. Postoji već četiri godine i iako se naizgled čini jednostavan, u sebi krije mnoge ideje, rješenja i trikove koji su pomogle njegovoj prihvaćenosti. Ideja ovog predavanja je na jednom konceptualnom nivou, bez gledanja u kôd, objasniti kako stvari funkcioniraju, što se sve koristi i na što sve treba paziti kod izrade ovakvog SaaS rješenja.

Track 3

Kako smo se brzo prebacili na Home Office rad uz pomoć Microsoft 365 servisa

Tomislav Lulić

Dosta tvrtki , tvrdilo da ne mogu raditi u Oblaku, jer je njihovo poslovanje “specifično”. I onda se dogodio Lockdown i poznati događaji sa COVID-19. No, svijet nije stao…
Na stranu drugi izazovi u novom okruženju, no migracija rada u Cloud, organiziranje sastanaka i događanja, kao i rad u uvjetima kućnog ureda, pokazali su svu prednost Microsoft 365 paketa. Vrlo brzo prebacivanje u rad u Oblaku, kao i rad na kućnim računalima putem web baziranog okruženja, olakšalo je tranziciju u “novo-normalno” IT okruženje.
Kroz predavanje i nekoliko demoa, ispričati ćemo praktičnu priču prebacivanja rada u Home Office kroz tips’n’tricks sa svim dobrim i lošim stranama.

Track 3

Microsoft Windows Servers, Cyber Defense

Danilo Omaljev

Posetite ovo predavanje ukoliko zelite da saznate više o ranjivostima Vaše Microsoft Windows core infrastrukture. Pričaćemo o besplatnim ugrađenim Microsoft alatima kojima možete zaštititi i “učvrstiti” konfiguratiju Vaše Microsoft core infrastrukture. Pičaćemo takođe i o Active Directoy Tier-ing konceptu i zašto je on važan za sistemske administratore i bebednost kompanije. Podeliću sa Vama dosta korisnih informacija i činjenica iz sveta Cyber Security-a. Vidimo se 20 Oktobra.

Track 2

Migrating and rebuilding in Azure – Notes from the field

Marin Frankovic

As cloud architect I am part of many Azure migrations and greenfield implementations in Azure. In this one we designed, implemented and still migrating and deploying resources in one large customer that is spread over 5 different countries and multiple daughter companies in Europe. In this session I will go through envisioning process, planning and implementation in real case scenario involving many heterogenous systems and applications. There will be some some supporting PPTs but most of the session will be in Azure portal and accompanying tools.

Track 2

Vrlo BITno je, gdje ostavljate vaše podatke i backup

Luka Manojlovic

Pri količini podataka sa kojim danas operisemo vrlo je bitno, da pogledamo koje fajl sisteme koristimo i kakve mogucnosti ti sistemi pruzaju za odrzavanje konsistence podataka kroz vreme. Na predavanju cemo videti koje funkcionalnosti i na kakav način Microsoft rešava to pitanje u kombinaciji sa tehnologijom Storage spaces, Storage spaces direct i fajl sistemom ReFS. Praktični primeri korupcije podataka ce vas uveriti, da je to podrucje o kojem se u buduce morate brinuti.

Track 3

Using Microsoft Teams Live Events to deliver online conferences

Adis Jugo

Most of you know about Microsoft Teams Live Events, the attend-only mode in Microsoft Teams for non-interactive events and presentations. However, setting up and managing such an event can be quite challenging. This session will guide you step-by-step through everything that you have to know about Microsoft Teams Live Events: how to set up streaming, how to configure and manage producer and presenter roles, what’s the difference between fully scripted events, live events, and a hybrid between both, what are the pitfalls, and how to solve them. This session will heavily rely on the experiences we have gathered with the Galactic Collaboration Summit, a fully successful online event with 8300 attendees.

Track 3

What’s new in Azure Security Center (ENG)

Tom Janetscheck

At Microsoft Ignite 2020, we announced quite a bunch of exciting news regarding Azure Security Center’s cloud security posture management (CSPM) and cloud workload protection platform (CWPP) capabilities. In this session, you will learn what’s new, and how Azure Security Center helps to manage and maintain security in your hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

Track 1